Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I read this post on Small Notebook today where she wrote about getting rid of 'negative keepsakes'

Negative keepsakes, the things you save because they feel like part of your life story, but they make you cringe (such as bad photographs and journals about feeeeeeelings) are something you should deal with too.
When I was younger, I was quite the sentimental person, keeping every bit and bob that reminded me of a special occasion. However, after my previous relationship and many broken friendships, I was left with a boxful of things and albums filled with photos of memories I, unfortunately, no longer cherished.

I've since thrown away most of these things, keeping only a small selection of items which hold the positive memories.. however, part of me wonders if these will eventually be thrown away once I have my own family and the value of things deemed 'sentimental' shift.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Frugal July

Last month, something unfortunate occurred which resulted in a loss of my disposable income. As a result, Frugal July was born! I was forced to find cheap/free things to occupy myself with... so far, I have spent less than half what I usually spend in a month - amazing! Just goes to show that when there is a will, there is a way.

Here are some saving tips and tricks I've taken on:
  1. Bring lunch and snacks from home - Last month I spent an exhorbitant amount of money on food during work. I've made the habit to buy groceries over the weekend to bring lunch in Mon-Thu. Also, I've packed my work drawer full of snacks and Korean instant coffee so that I'm never tempted to step out and buy something instead.
  2. Enjoy the clothes I have - I've recently unpacked my vacuum bags and am having a ball with my clothes - it's like having a new wardrobe :) Another trick is to wear nice clothes everyday.. (it's a psychological game I enjoy playing with myself) because when I go shopping I always feel less inclined to buy if I'm already wearing nice clothes.
  3. Stop procrastinating - Tackled the pile of handwashing that had been getting bigger and bigger by the day. Installed the book and laundry shelves. Installed the shower curtain and rod at home. Cleaned my room. Scrubbed the shower. Got rid of my old magazines. Next on the list is to refurbish an old chair I picked off the side of the road.
  4. Make my own popcorn- I'm trying to master the art of sweet and salty popcorn, instead of buying ludicrously priced popcorn / chips. It's healthier too!
  5. Running - Since cash flow is tight, I've started running again. It's free, utilises all the muscles, and I save money not having to pay for petrol to get to classes!
Let's hope these good habits flow into August! :)


Friday, June 8, 2012

Clothing Learnings and May Purchases

Unfortunately I am already way over my superficial (i.e. clothing) budget for this year. However, I am proud to say I have curbed the impulse purchases - oh with one exception. I was given a $20 voucher from Witchery and as the expiry date loomed, I lost all common sense with my goal to purchase something for "free". So traipse to Witchery I did and in all excitement, I purchased a gorgeous silk blouse for a measly $40 (after I used the voucher) and without trying it on.

I got home, flung it on and alas, I looked like a sickly bananas in pajamas with gigantor arms. The worse thing? I couldn't return/exchange it because it was on sale.

Shopping noob mistake #1. Always try on the clothes, or make sure the store has a good refunds/exchange policy.

So although the $20 was fantastic, I am left with a blouse I cannot wear and a $40 I will never get back. I think I'm going to attempt to hack the gigantor sleeves and do some magic on the sewing machine. Fingers crossed.

In other superficial news, May was rather a splendid month, I finally realised a life long dream - I went to the NKOTBSB concert! I know Nick Carter is looking rather rough, but seeing him on stage in his tighty-whities and flashing his chunky thighs still got me excited.

Also, I purchased this Trelise Cooper skirt - My skirt collection requires major colour injection and I think this fits the bill.

Have a fantastic weekend!

x Miss Panda

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Noom-ing the Flab

I've recently downloaded the Noom application on my smartphone. It's basically a weight-loss application which sets tasks for me to do, encouraging me to eat healthy snacks and to walk more (it has an in built pedometer function). What sets it apart from other applications is that I don't have to search specific food types like in myfitnesspal.. it split food groups into green, yellow and red - good, ok and bad foods. Genius!

I've only been using it for 3 days and have lost 0.5kg which I credit to eating less crap throughout the day.

Hopefully I'll be able to lose weight (I put on 5kg in 2 years!!).. and be bikini-beach-ready for summer!

Will post updates on my progress :)

X Miss Panda

Friday, May 25, 2012

Make-up basics

The other day, a reader of my tumblr asked me about my favourite make-up, and this was my response.

My self-imposed beauty ban has made me rethink what I spend money on, I've come to realise that I only use a small number of things on a daily basis and that I definitely do not need anymore eye-shadow palletes. I only tend to wear make-up when I go out... and I go out about once a fortnight? Urrr..

Also, I have enough of the following to last me 10 years (if not more):
  • Body moisturiser
  • Lipstick
  • Lipbalm
  • Lipgloss
  • Blush
  • Powder / Highlighter
... sigh. At what point did I become so frivolous?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Procrastination be gone!

Today marked quite the milestone for me. Under my desk was a bag that had been sitting there for 3 months over, filled with things to be dry cleaned. The dry-cleaner is about 50m away from my office and I walk past it everyday. Today I took that bag of clothes, and I dropped it off at the drycleaners. SUCCESS!

Not only that - I also deposited two cheques, changed the frequency of my mortgage repayment, called up my telephone company about my bill, and finally booked a physio appointment. SUCCESS!

Now this may seem like nothing to the average person, who undoubtedly does all of the above before their morning coffee, but I've become quite the procrastinator.. I've spent the past year making excuses for everything and anything, and the only thing I have to show is that I've watched all the seasons of F.R.I.E.N.D.S about 4 times this year. Shame on me.

I might do some ironing tonight and clean out that laundry basket of things which has been haunting me for 2 months. Die procrastination!

x Miss Panda

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Investing: Parlux 3800 Hairdryer

My hairdryer died over the weekend and so, after reading numerous reviews, I purchased a Parlux hairdryer from My order got dispatched this morning and will hopefully arrive tomorrow.

I purchased it for a $150.87, utilising the 10% discount code VOGUERY.. so on average, it is probably about twice the price of a 'normal' hairdryer. However, based on the glowing reviews and time I willl apparently save blow-drying my hair, it will be money well spent!

Stay tuned for a review :)

x Miss Panda

Resolutions Update #1

So, to say my blogging project has not been fruitful is perhaps an understatement. However, I'm proud to report that I have been successful in other aspects :)

Resolutions Update #1:
  1. Treat everything as an investment: My shoe and beauty ban have contributed to the fact that I have already managed to reach my 2012 savings goal! OMG! ... and since it's only the middle of the year, I'm aiming to double this amount now. In addition to this,I've been able to tick a few things off my 'Superficial List' which I could never have afforded before - mainly due to my natural disposition to spend $$ on stupid things ($2 kids stickers.. WHY?!?!)
  2. Challenge myself: I've made myself a pact to sit the GMAT this year. Studies have commenced and it's nice to use my brain again - it's been heavily under-utilised in recent years.
  3. Spend no $$ on beauty products until my bathroom cabinet is empty: I've managed to finish and throw-out several bottles and tubes of beauty products. Also, I cleaned out my make-up drawer (picture below) :)

My focus aim for end of May will be to cull my wardrobe - wish me luck!

x Miss Panda

Monday, March 19, 2012


I initially started this blog back in January. However, after a short hiatus and reflection on previous posts, I realised how super lame I was (haha). So here I am, back to square one.

At the end of 2010, after several years of slogging as a management consultant, I resigned.
So all of a sudden, I found myself with a lot more time, and best of all, additional disposable income. I managed to do some very rewarding, and some not-so-rewarding things with my new found time and money.

The rewarding
  • Traveled.. everywhere! In 15 months I conquered 11 countries and 19 cities.
  • Bought my second investment property
  • Bequested donations and presents to very deserving individuals and organisations
  • Started a new netball league and personal training sessions
The not-so-rewarding
  • Acquired a heap of superficial and/or useless junk
  • Spent a ridiculous money on food, resulting in massive weight gain over a short period (5 kg in a year? die)
  • ...but worse of all, I became lazy.. spending copious amounts of time trawling the internet, lazing around the house eating chips by the packetful whilst watching reruns of F-R-I-E-N-D-S.. basically achieving nothing but to become a real, human form of Homer Simpson (or in my case, Dilbert would be more appropriate - reference below)
... and so this blog was born.