Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Noom-ing the Flab

I've recently downloaded the Noom application on my smartphone. It's basically a weight-loss application which sets tasks for me to do, encouraging me to eat healthy snacks and to walk more (it has an in built pedometer function). What sets it apart from other applications is that I don't have to search specific food types like in myfitnesspal.. it split food groups into green, yellow and red - good, ok and bad foods. Genius!

I've only been using it for 3 days and have lost 0.5kg which I credit to eating less crap throughout the day.

Hopefully I'll be able to lose weight (I put on 5kg in 2 years!!).. and be bikini-beach-ready for summer!

Will post updates on my progress :)

X Miss Panda


  1. Hello Miss Panda... this is going to be sound very old fashioned, but may I suggest counting kJs :)
    My BF and I both went on a kJ counting diet - this one in particular:
    We started on 1/1/12 and on 5/3/12 the day we left for our US holiday (to mainly eat) I had lost 6kg and my BF had lost 8kg!

    The beauty about the diet is that you don't need to cut out food groups, all you need to do is stick to your daily kJ limit (you work this out by first calculating your basal metabolic rate) and then just stick to it.

    Soon you will learn what you value the most when it comes to eating. For example I much preferred eating a smaller steak and a chocolate bar for dessert than just a ginormous steak...

    Good luck x

    1. Hi catsmeow,

      Thanks for this! I've been trying to count KJs forever and am abysmal at it.. but after reading about your 6kg weightloss, I might just need to take it up again! That is fantastic and so, so inspuring!

      Do you use any particular methods to count?

